World’s Fastest Simulation for Power Electronics. Period.
DSIM is capable of simulating simple topologies or large and complex systems with astounding speed and accuracy.
Its novel technique of solving power electronics simulation was specifically designed to address schematics with a large numbers of switches, high switching speeds, the need for small time constants for switch transitions, and large time constants for system simulations including nanosecond timing with switch transitions.
About DSIM
DSIM is a simulation software designed for power electronic systems.
Its novel Discrete-State Event-Driven (DSED) simulation technique was specifically designed to address systems with large numbers of switches, high switching frequencies, and wide variations of time constants including: small time constants for switching transients in the scale of nanoseconds and large time constants for system simulations in the scale of seconds or minutes.
DSIM simulations run at record-breaking speeds that are hundreds or thousands of times faster than existing commercial simulation tools.
DSIM is ideally suited for applications in power system, power transmission, motor drive, industrial power supply, renewable energy source, aerospace and more.
Fast Simulation Speed
With it's novel Discrete-State Event Driven (DSED) solver, DSIM is the fastest power electronics simulation tool on the market.
Accurate Switching Transient Simulation
DSIM offers hundreds of physical models of IGBT and SiC MOSFETs and can simulate the non-ideal switching transients without increasing the simulation time exponentially.
Rich Component Library
DSIM provides a rich component library of power switches, motors, photovoltaics. energy storage, and both continuous and discrete control blocks.
Simulate thousands of switches
Fast switching (MHz)
Non-ideal switch transitions (physical model with parasitics)
Switching transient simulations
Scripted, automated simulations
Superfast AC Sweep
DSIM Applications
The current meta for the simulation and design of microgrids requires the use of expensive real-time hardware or the use of average models. Both approaches require compromise and abstraction from the desired system. Real-time simulation hardware is expensive and limits things like switching speed, the number of switches, machine models, etc. to maintain real-time fidelity. The offline approach with average models or simplified sub-systems can hide fundamental underlying issues.
The largest microgrid simulated with DSIM so far has been a 1200 switch 10 unit microgrid where the inverters were defined as cascaded H-bridge MMCs. 150ms of simulation with DSIM took 2 minutes 22 seconds, the same system in PSIM would have taken 138 days (4.6 months).
Motor Drives
Motor drives are typically long simulations. A motor drive system has two significantly different time constraints: short electrical time constant and long mechanical time constant.
The frequency of the motor drive, defining the electrical/ mechanical frequency relationship, combined with the switching speed requires a small timestep and long simulations for the motor to reach the desired torque and shaft speeds. With efficiency boost and power handling boost provided by multi-level inverters, the number of switches required to simulate is also increasing. Add in other factors and some software reach simulation lengths into hours.
DSIM is able to solve multi-time-scale systems efficiently, greatly reducing simulation time and effort.
High Frequency Converters
Since DSIM can easily handle many hundreds to thousands of switches, it makes sense that it can also easily handle very fast switching. With GaN and SiC devices pushing switching speeds in the 10s or 100s of MHz, even simple converters can take a very long time to simulate with traditional tools. Adding in a physical switch model with traditional tools will just slow things down further. Get results in a few minutes by using the DSIM tool.
User-defined Control and Automation
DSIM provides functions such as C blocks and DLL blocks that allow users to implement any control algorithms. In addition, with the built-in scripting function automate the simulation process by running hundreds of simulations automatically, with various parameters and operating conditions.
See the example. A C block enables users to input C code directly without the need for compilation. A C interpreter engine will interpret and execute the C code at runtime. This feature simplifies the process of writing custom C code.
More DSIM Applications
Power Systems
Distributed microgrid,
Grid-connected inverter,
DC distribution system,
Flexible AC transmission,
Reactive power compensation,
Harmonic energy control,
Power electronics transformer
Education & Research
Course on power electronics,
Research on power device,
Optimization of circuit,
Analysis of Topology,
Control algorithm simulation
Power Supply
Communication power supply,
Data center power supply,
Wireless power transmission,
High frequency power amplifier EMC analysis
Motor Drives
Frequency control, Rail transit system, Electric vehicle, Ship towing system,
Servo control, Metallurgy and mining, Offshore oil field
Multi-electric aircraft,
Radar navigation,
Rocket power supply,
Satellite power supply,
Electromagnetic emission
Renewable Energy
PV and wind power,
Energy storage,
Fuel cell,
Wave power generation
FREE DSIM Teaching Support Program
To support teachers and students in the field of power electronics, DSIM offers the "Teaching Support Program" to support teaching activities in universities.
What you get for free:
The latest version of DSIM for you and students.
DSIM tutorial materials to make it easy for students to get started with DSIM.
If interested, add a comment in the request form below.
DSIM versions
DSIM offers three powerful options:
– Only ideal switches
– Limit of 15 switches
– C block not included
– Limits to scripting functions
– Incl. non-ideal switches
– Limit increase to 50 switches
DSIM Enterprise
– Unlimited
– No restrictions
What's New in DSIM v2024?
Who is behind DSIM?
DSIM is a simulation software that was specifically designed for power electronics. The developers of this amazingly fast simulation tool are members of collaborative teams at Tsinghua University and DSIM Technology Co.