Why SmartNetics?
SmartNetics can perform an exhaustive and complete analysis that allows you to obtain the design that suits all your needs and specifications without requiring advanced knowledge of the field.
A single tool for both experts and nonexperts.
Automatic 3D and 2D model generation for FEA tools.
Multi objective optimization.
From low to high power magnetics in a single tool.
Not a black box. Provides full information of the device.
Manufacturing Reports
Seamless data transfer for designers and manufacturers.
A single tool for every need:
For expert users: every parameter is configurable, from models and limitations to result visualizations.
For non-expert users: the standard configuration allows the device’s design with the minimum input data.
Complete Database
A wide range of options for:
Core geometry
Core materials
Wire geometry
Electrical insulators
From low to high power in a single tool:
- Cores can be stacked, allowing a wide range from less than a watt to kilowatts.
- Temperature can be limited to ensure continuous operation at high loads.
FEM Simulation
Automatically generated by SmartNetics:
Full 3D model: including core, insulators, and wires without geometry simplifications
Symmetry simplifications: simulation can be speed up taking advantage of core symmetries while maintaining 3D accuracy.
Model reduction: 2D model built from the 3D one, for fastest simulations.
Magnetic, electrostatic, and thermal simulations.
Gap Distributions
Standard gaping: same single gap for every leg.
Concentrated gaping: a single gap in one of the legs
Distributed gap: a gap distributed into several smaller gaps.
Intuitive Interface
Only five guided steps for the full design.
Select up to six figures of merit and compare thousands of designs immediately.
Manufacturing Report
Not a black box design: every parameter is provided.
- All the information in a single high-quality pdf document.
Seamless data transfer for designers and manufacturers.
Who is behind SmartNetics?
The SmartCtrl software is developed by our partners, Power Smart Control.
Power Smart Control is an engineering company focused on innovative solutions in Power Electronics. They provide design and simulation software for power electronics, customized hardware products, consulting and training.